Employee Turnover Costs Are Expensive -You Can Do Something

Employee turnover cost is talked about so frequently but rarely acted upon, typically for the reason that many in leadership...

March 7, 2022
Press the button to generate random icebreaker questions.
There are 300 more icebreaker questions at the bottom of the article
How would you describe your job to a five year old?
What season would you be?
What is a weird food you have tried? Would you eat it again?
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Would you go in the mother-ship with aliens if they landed on Earth tomorrow?
What is your favorite season?
Do prefer working from home or the office?
What is your earliest memory of this job?
What is the best thing you have bought so far this year?
What is the earliest book you remember?
If you had to move to another country, which one would you choose?
You are the best criminal mastermind in the world. What crime would you commit if you knew you would get away with it?
What is your favorite movie genre to watch?
What was the last thing you ate?
What person from history would you add to Mount Rushmore?
What is a weird fact you know?
What is your favorite part of working from home?
Were the Spice Girls a good team?
Imagine you can instantly learn any language. Which would you choose?
If you could live in any state, which state would you pick?
Which fictional team is the best team of all time?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
What do you usually eat for a quick lunch?
What simple food will you never eat?
Show us the weirdest thing you have in the room with you right now.
Would you rather stay at a hotel or an AirBNB?
What is your favorite movie genre to watch?
Are you more productive in the morning or at night?
Who is someone in your community that makes a difference?
Who was your most unique pet?
Choose one famous person from history you want on your team during a zombie apocalypse.
What is a good way to give back to the community?
Which song could you listen to over and over again?
Is Hugh Grant funny?
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Would you want to have an imaginary friend today? Did you have one as a child?
What actor or actress would you want to play you in the movie about your life?
What is the best super power?
What is your New Years resolution?
You can only eat one food again for the rest of your life. What is it?
What is the best work holiday?
What is the first gift you remember receiving?
Would you rather join Metallica or Backstreet Boys?
What is the best example of a community you have seen?
What is an easy way to do something nice for someone?
Show us your phone background and tell the story behind why you picked this image.
What was your first job?
Pick any band to play at your funeral.
If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
Which superpower would you give to your arch enemy?
What is the most obscure superpower you would want?
What emoji best describes how you are feeling right now?
If you could live in any country, which country would you pick?
Would you rather live in a city or a town?
What is your favorite holiday?
What is something you accomplished as part of a team?
What is your standard office lunch?
What is your most used phone app?
What is your favorite season?
Have you ever won something as a team?
Imagine you are a professional baseball player. What is your introduction song?
Beach holiday or ski trip?
Have you ever been to a funny comedy show?
Would you rather live at the North Pole or the South Pole?
What is your favorite song to sing?
If you could live in any state, which state would you pick?
Imagine you could teleport anywhere. Where would you go right now?
What is the most unusual job you have heard of?
What was the last thing you ate?
You can visit any fictional time or place. Which would you pick?
What do your family and friends think you do all day?
What movie do you wish you could watch again for the first time?
Show us your most-used emoji.
What was the most unique style or fashion trend you ever embraced?
What movie defined your generation?
You are stranded on a remote desert island. Are you alone or with your worst enemy?
What is your favorite knock-knock joke?
Have you ever told someone Santa is not real?
Do you know how to speak more than one language?
On a scale of 1 – 10, how much of a team player are you?
What is your #1 recommendation in this city?
What is your favorite holiday?
What bucket list item do you most want to check off in the next six months?
What is your favorite mythical creature?
What was the first way you made money?
If you could be great at any Olympic sport, which would it be?
Which song could you listen to over and over again?
When did you start liking/hating mushrooms?
Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Do you take your PTO all at one time, or another way?
Which show do you remember most from your childhood?
Which beverage goes best with pizza?
Would you want to have a personal assistant follow you around everywhere and do what you asked of them?
Have you ever met your idol?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?
What is your hobby?
When you are alone in the car, what volume is the music at?
Imagine you no longer have to work. How would you spend a Tuesday?
What is your favorite type of sandwich?

What's The Real Cost Of Employee Turnover?

Employee turnover cost is talked about so frequently but rarely acted upon, typically for the reason that many in leadership find it to be something either not totally within their control (only partially right), and it's more abstract than talking about adding revenue.

As industry after industry moves closer to a knowledge worker workforce, people become increasingly important to competitive advantage. Employee attrition and conversation around retention must play a leading role in leadership and management strategy.

Let's dig in on some of the work being done to soften the cost and rate of employee retention. In this article, we'll explore some tools to calculate your attrition costs, and finally, we'll look at a few of the best ways to improve your employee retention.

Why Does Leadership So Often Ignore Employee Attrition Costs?

We've all heard it time and time again, but this Peter Drucker quote summarizes it succinctly.

"What gets measured, gets managed." - Peter Drucker

There is no more significant fear or pain as a manager or leader than losing talents, even more so when that person is a high performer or in a position that's challenging to replace.

When someone great leaves an organization, there's always an unexpected hole to fill, in addition to dealing with the cost of replacing an employee. 

No matter how much prep work or lead time is given, it almost always affects employee experience and can lead other workers to follow suit, increasing the rate of employee turnover.

Despite that awful feeling that is typically felt throughout the team and organization, only a few put in strategic plans to improve their retention. 

The quickest path to convincing leadership or management they have a problem they can't acknowledge is to lay out action plans and talk about it in dollars. Speak their language and offer a concrete benefit.

Why Is Employee Turnover Very Costly For Companies?

Let's Get Into the Cost Details...

There have been plenty of studies done to pinpoint the most accurate way of calculating the cost of turnover.  The results have varied, but one thing remains certain across all turnover cost studies: it's not cheap.

One study from the Center for American Progress (CAP) found that the cost of replacement was on average 213% of the annual salary for highly-skilled employees. Part of the variability comes into play when considering less expensive roles. Cost estimates for positions with salaries between $30-$75K are around 20% annual salary.

Above are the "good" stats. Josh Bersin, however, suggests that by looking at the lifetime costs (hiring, onboarding, L&D, institutional knowledge, training, and more), the actual costs are between tens of thousands of dollars to 1.5 or even 2.0x the entire annual salary. It's likely somewhere on the middle-high end of this spectrum. 

Bersin paints a clear picture as he lays it all on the table. There's hiring a replacement (other employees' time interviewing and tools), onboarding, lost productivity, cost/time of training, lost engagement, ramp-up time, and so more.

Those are only the obvious costs. The most exciting point Bersin makes is that employees, unlike most other assets, are appreciative ones. He goes on to say, "employees get more productive the longer they are at a company, learning the systems, products, and how to work together with their team."

Cost to Value of an Employee

Bersin's graphic perfectly shows the inflection point when an employee stops being a cost, provides a return, and eventually becomes extremely valuable.

In another vital study, Maia Josebachvili calculates the ROI of an employee using the metric "Employee Lifetime Value," which represents "the total net value over time that an employee brings to an organization."

Maia uses a sales executive earning $50K/yr (and generates $50K/mo in revenue) as an example. Maia argues that better "People Practices," which include better onboarding, company culture, engagement, and management, will yield a difference of $1.3M in net value to the company over just three years.

To realize this value is predicated on retaining the above example employee for just an extra year (3 instead of 2), which demonstrates how impactful retention can be. See this result in the following graph:

Source:  Greenhouse case study
3-year impact of slightly better "People" practices

Source: Greenhouse case study

Whichever way you prefer to determine the cost of employee turnover - voluntary to involuntary, the resulting cost is high.

So, how do you calculate the actual cost at your company?

Use This Equation To Calculate Your Employee Turnover Costs

Employee turnover cost is equal to the number of employees churned times the average cost of these churned employees, which is relatively straightforward.

Cost of turnover = # departures x average cost of departures

Your turnover rate is the number of departures divided by your total number of employees.

Turnover rate = # departures / total # employees

But how do you get to the average cost of employee departure?  There are a couple of options.


First, let's first try to find a general idea of your long-term employee turnover costs. Per Jack Altman, you can calculate basic turnover costs by examining four top-level buckets:

  1. Cost of hiring
  2. Cost of onboarding and training
  3. Cost of learning and development, and
  4. Cost of time with the unfilled role

These can be summarized in this equation:

Source:  Jack Altman on employee turnover cost
Employee turnover cost equation

Source: Jack Altman on employee turnover cost

Like anything else, to get the real picture, digging a little deeper is required. Basic analysis is okay and will likely reveal costs are higher than expected, though it can be tough to come up with exact numbers unless we go into a little more detail.


To go a little deeper, let's inspect this article by William Bliss. It gives a much more exhaustive list of variables to consider and calculate more accurate costs. Below is the summarized list – feel free to use our inline calculator to see personalized costs for your organization.  

Here is the exhaustive list of factors you should consider:


  • Get an idea of how much it'll cost to have team member(s) step in while the position is vacant – use overtime rates for existing employees or temp rates for part-timers.
  • At a minimum, apply 50% compensation of the team member covering each week the role is vacant or 100% of the team member's salary if it's empty.
  • Calculate the team member's cost of conducting the exit interview, any administrative expenses of stopping payroll & benefits, and time spent processing resigning employees.
  • Please do your best to calculate the manager's time cost to understand and manage any work to be covered, plus the time it takes the manager to perform an exit interview.
  • Be thorough in calculating training investment costs in departing employees – consider things like certifications, classes, trade shows, conferences, and more.
  • Figure out how the halo effect will extend to a productivity loss of others and the related cost.
  • Add costs associated with severance and benefits for departing employees.
  • Calculate the cost of loss of institutional knowledge, including any skills or contacts – you can use up to 50% of the role's annual compensation. Don't forget to add a 10% compounding increase to take into account appreciation.
  • If the person leaving is related to customer acquisition, consider adding the cost of customers lost that the employee may take with them. If you feel there's a low likelihood of the customer leaving your organization, definitely consider the cost of retaining that customer.
  • Lastly, don't forget to subtract the cost for the time the position is empty. 


  • A typical recruitment agency will cost anywhere from 15-30% of the position's annual compensation – including advertisement and any internal referral costs. 
  • If your organization has internal recruiting, add in the recruiters time to create a new sourcing strategy, review inbound interest, prepare and conduct interviews (this step typically includes other team costs), reference check tools, and more – this can be up to 30-100 hours per position!
  • Is there any travel required for your recruitment process? (setting up booths at job fairs and conferences, flights, booth material, and more)
  • In addition to the recruiter's time spent preparing for the interview, there are other costs associated with an immediate supervisor.  They include managers, peers, direct teammates, and a selection committee to review, explain requirements, complete the interviews, and select the candidate of choice. More time may be required to do their sourcing if this is requested or desired -- we recommend adding another 30-100 hours of time cost.
  • Is your team handling any of the resume review processes? If so, add around $1.50/resume to consider handling, processing, and responding to candidate resumes. 
  • Likely your organization requires drug screens or educational and criminal background checks + reference checks. Add these additional costs per candidate checked.


  • Has your company developed an orientation program around this role yet? If not, consider the upfront development costs for that + time. If yes, consider the time it takes the person(s) running orientation + the new hire's time to complete the orientation.
  • Any specific training related to the department to develop the new hire as a percentage of the salary. 
  • Are all training materials and personnel prepped for training the new hire? If yes, consider the time costs, and if not, consider the time + material creation costs.  
  • Add any time spent distributing, explaining, and reviewing assignments or output from a supervisory perspective. We recommend adding at least 5-7 hours per week for a minimum of 8 weeks.


  • Add up to 75% of annual salary for at least 2-4 weeks as new hire operates at ~25% productivity.
  • Add up to 50% of the annual salary for at least 5-12 weeks after the initial 2-4 week period.
  • Add up to 25% of annual salary for at least 13-20 weeks after ramping up a 5-12 week period.
  • Add supervisory time spent and peer time spent helping to get the new hire up to speed. The more complex the role, the higher the costs here. 
  • New hires make mistakes (that is not a bad thing but more the nature of growing into the role), but what are the costs of those mistakes? Add these in, too (these tend to happen up to 20 weeks from the time of hire).
  • If the person that left was a manager, what are the costs associated with department or team productivity loss? Add these. 
  • Was there a significant, big, or complex project in mid-delivery when the original person left? If so, consider the costs of the completion of delivery and the time it'll take to make up for that loss.
  • Was the person that left a productivity add, such as an assistant or other key staff member? Consider the costs of productivity reduction of the manager, director, VP, or C-Suite (whoever lost the key staff member). 


  • Don't forget all the tooling costs and administrative costs such as putting the person on payroll, security setup, job material (i.e., IDs and business cards), computer, swag, software seats required, and more. 


  • Is the role associated with sales? If yes, divide budgeted revenue into weekly amounts, then multiply that by the weeks the position remains vacant + any training time required.
  • Don't forget to add lost productivity percentages against revenue to account for lost sales until the rep is entirely up to speed. 
  • Is the role not associated with sales? If yes, try to find the position's loose revenue impact by taking the organization's total revenue and dividing it by the number of employees on average in a year. After you've landed on that number, multiply it by the number of weeks the position is empty by the average weekly revenue per employee. It's not perfect but gives you a rough idea. If you have a more straightforward calculation for determining the role's revenue impact, use that. 

The list of potential costs is long, and this is likely not completely exhaustive. One easy fact this uncovers is that it's expensive to lose talent. To do your rough calculations, we've created an inline calculator just below. Please share your results with us if you use the calculator or our sheet. We've also created a simple spreadsheet here (copy the sheet and plug in your own numbers in the yellow fields) if you prefer to use this instead.

How Do You Stop High Employee Turnover?

While you may not be able to stop it, you can reduce the costs.

Reducing costs associated with employee turnover can be easier if you know where to focus, there are two areas of focus to apply your effort: 

  1. Find a way to reduce the turnover rate of your organization
  2. When turnover does happen, reduce the impact

An effective Employee Exit Interview can help you better identify why people are leaving and create solutions around those reasons.


There are likely many factors and variables that play a role in minimizing turnover costs. However, Maia Josebachvili summarizes it down to only four primary factors that can maximize your ELTV "Employee Lifetime Value" – in other words, minimize the costs. 

The solution may seem obvious, but not many organizations practice these principles that well, if at all. The principles revolve around minimizing the period at which a new employee is a "cost" to the organization. That includes Hiring and Onboarding – and maximizing the productivity of the employee through alignment, L&D, and stable management.

The four primary factors that Maia identifies to increase ELTV are shown in the following image:

Four factors that can maximize ELTV

Source: Maia Josebachvili on the ROI of investing in people

We can summarize Maia's method for maximizing these four primary levers as follows: 

  1. Onboarding: Strong and efficient onboardings successfully target two goals: (A) The time it takes to contribute fully and productively to the organization is decreased. (B) Strong onboarding materially increases the likelihood of a voluntarily longer-term and happier employee.
  2. Hiring: New talent that raises the bar has a halo effect on performance and tends to lift the performance of others around them. It can also lead to more efficient recruitment through network effects of attracting top talent.
  3. Management & Development: This may seem obvious, but it's consistently the most significant challenge we always hear from other organizations and customers. Typically, developing and grooming new managers is tough, and hiring them can be just as hard. However, having excellent managers can increase the value of an employee by 1.5-2x over time.
  4. Management & Culture: Management and mostly lower management can often have an outsized impact on culture and shouldn't go unnoticed. Good leadership and an inclusive culture are at least correlated (if not causated) with retention.

These four levers may seem obvious but putting them into practice is often harder than it might seem on the surface. Don't neglect to spend time on these suggestions and revise as necessary.


This step is undoubtedly the hardest of the two as it's the most out of your control of the two options. Jack Altman has three focus areas he suggests for creating an environment that is likely to reduce turnover

  1. Growth
  2. Impact
  3. Care

Jack recommends that the organization's managers have conversations about goals and give employees more responsibility and autonomy – helping employees acquire desired skills to promote growth.

Be sure to develop a clear, meaningful, and measurable company mission that employees can connect with - not merely aspirational. Finally, don't underestimate the value of creating a culture that recognizes hard work and shows real appreciation – this is where Assembly can help the most.

What happens when there is high employee turnover?

To solve the problem of high employee turnover, set a goal to outline the costs associated with employee turnover and what processes can help the organization solve scheduling, process routing, and other operational bugs.

After building a map of the costs, metrics, and variables, you are now capable of a clearer examination.  You can see in greater detail what levers to pull to reduce costs associated with employee turnover rather than speculating and making decisions that have little to no impact. 

Don't stop making improvements to your process. Like anything else, these programs can become outdated and stagnant. We recommend considering a quarterly or bi-annual program and process review.

We hope that you see how important it is to your organization's bottom line to reduce employee voluntary and involuntary turnover. And that losing talent is enough within your control that you should do something about it. Not only should you do something about it, but doing something about it is not as far-fetched as you might have previously thought.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Assembly SOC 2 compliant?

Yes, at Assembly, security is a top priority. Each quarter, we have ongoing security work that is everyone’s responsibility. While we maintain a strong security posture, it was important for us to prove to our customers that we do everything we claim to do. This led us to pursue a SOC 2 Type II report that would provide evidence of our compliance with industry gold-standard security practice.

What's the ROI for employee recognition?

There is study after study showing that employee recognition leads to increased engagement. This in return creates an environment where employees are happier and more motivated which increase productivity and reduces voluntary turnover significantly. In order to filled critical roles, companies tend to spend nearly twice the value of an annual salary. Assembly is an investment in your employees that supports your bottom line.

Does Assembly offer longer-term contracts?

Yes, we will offer contracts for companies with longer-term agreements to help larger customers have more certainty around future costs.

The minimum agreement term is a 12-month subscription.

Does Assembly offer onboarding support?

We do and for FREE! Any new customer needing further support to get started with Assembly to ensure you're set up for success can request custom onboarding support. Improving your employee experience is about much more than just using our amazing software; it’s about transforming your business to create a workplace that people love. That’s much easier to do with the personal support and advice from our passionate people experts.

Is there a free version of Assembly?

Yes. We offer a completely free plan for up to 50 team members. This plan is intended for teams or organizations that are looking to get started with an employee engagement tool. Keep in mind, this plan is limited in features.

All customers can open an Assembly account for free and get started without a credit card. Then you can change plans as necessary.

How much do rewards cost?

At the time of redemption (when your employees exchange their points for a paid reward) you'll pay face value. If a reward is a $10 Amazon gift card, your cost will be $10. All paid rewards are billed for on a monthly basis.

The good news is that you don't have to pay for rewards upfront because we only charge you when points are redeemed, not when they're earned.

Does Assembly offer discounts?

We offer discounts or educational or charitable organizations. In order to secure a discount, you'll first need to book a demo with a customer support specialist.

For all other organizations, we are willing to consider longer-term agreements in exchange for discounts. To set up annual plans or longer, you will need to book a demo with a customer support specialist.

How do I cancel my plan if needed?

If you're on a month to month plan, you can go here and cancel anytime. If you're having concerns or need help setting up your account for success, you can always book a demo with a customer support specialist.

If you're on a longer-term custom plan, you'll need to reach out to your customer support specialist to cancel your account or email us at support@joinassembly.com.

What customizations are available?

Great question! You can customize your core values to match your organization's to boost and track alignment. You can change your currency from the 🏆 emoji (our default) to any emoji of your choice. You can swap our logo for your own. You can also set up company culture rewards such as, "Lunch with the CEO," "Buy a book on us," and so much more!

Who can give or receive recognition?

While we recommend a peer to peer set up where anyone in your organization can give or receive recognition, you can set up Assembly however you want. If you need to limit the people who can give or receive recognition, that's perfectly fine and can be done from your Admin, here.

What integrations are available?

Assembly connects to the tools your employees use every day to offer an easy, seamless experience with minimal change management.  

Assembly has integrations with HCM/HRIS systems like ADP, Google, Office 365, and Slack. We also integrate with communication tools like Slack and Teams so you and your employees can access Assembly wherever they work now.

What's your average adoption rate?

That depends on the company's permissions set up. That said, over 90% of the employees on Assembly's platform are recognized on a monthly basis. That means nearly every employee across all of our customers are receiving regular recognition from their peers, managers, or leadership. We're extremely proud of this.

Must rewards be set up to use Assembly?

They are not required. You can use Assembly without having rewards set up. However, we don't recommend it if you intend to have a high adoption and usage rate. You can always keep the costs down by offering internal culture rewards that are fulfilled by you internally.

Are points required to use Assembly?

No, you can remove allowances from anyone or everyone. It's up to you but we do recommend using points whether they're worth a real dollar value or not. Companies that use points have a much higher engagement rate even if those points don't exchange for real dollars.

Could find the answer you are looking for?

Please schedule time with an expert and we will help you to get all your questions answered