Creating Announcements

Updated on
September 12, 2023

Assembly announcements allow you to communicate important information to people in your organization by promoting a post within any flow. Follow the steps below to get started! 

What to expect

  • You must be using the new Assembly experience to take advantage of our announcements feature.
  • All Assembly plans have access to this feature, however controlling who has permission to create announcements depends on your plan level and admin settings.
  • You can make any post in any flow an announcement, EXCEPT forGive Recognition’.

Who has permission to create announcements?

  • For Starter and Lite plans, everyone in the company will be able to create announcements. This cannot be adjusted unless you upgrade.
  • For Standard and Premium plans, you can restrict who can create announcements to managers and admins, or admins only.
  • Admins can always create announcements in flows they have permission to view posts in. 
  • Additionally, only flow owners and collaborators who meet the above permissions can create announcements.
    a. For example, if the permissions are set to ‘Managers’, only flow owners and collaborators who are also Managers (or admins) can create an announcement.

Who will see the announcements?

  • Anyone who has permission to view posts in a flow will see the announcement.
  • Announcements will appear at the top of your ‘discover’ page.
  • They will also appear in the feed with a special banner above the post to indicate that the post is an announcement.
  • For mobile app users, they will see the announcement pinned to the top of their ‘Unreads’ section

Configure announcement permissions

NOTE: only Assembly admins on the Standard or Premium plans can adjust these permissions.

  1. First, make sure you are using the new Assembly version. To switch to the new Assembly version, turn the toggle at the top of your Assembly screen to the ON position.
  2. From your profile menu dropdown in the top right corner of your screen, click ‘Go to Admin’.
  3. Under ‘Flows’, click ‘Permissions’.
  4. Under ‘Set who has permission to share flow posts as announcements’, change your settings.

Create an announcement

  1. First, make sure you are using the new Assembly version. To switch to the new Assembly version, turn the toggle at the top of your Assembly screen to the ON position.
  2. Create the post you would like to make an announcement.
  3. From this flow post, click the three-dotted menu at the top right of the post..
  4. Click ‘Share post as announcement’.
  1. From the announcement configuration modal, add a title, description (optional), and choose a background color for your announcement. 
  2. Click next.
  3. Configure whether you would like people to be able to reply or react to this post
    a. If there are existing replies already, hiding the replies will hide all existing replies.
    b. Enabling it will display any previous replies that were hidden.
  4. Click next.
  5. Configure whether you’d like to send an email and mobile app notification upon creating the announcement.
    a. By default, these are enabled.
    b. When enabled, anyone with permission to view posts in that flow will receive an email and mobile push notification informing them they have an announcement to view.
  6. Once everything looks good and you’re ready to post the announcement, click ‘Create announcement.

Edit or end an announcement

NOTE: Anyone with permission to create and view the announcement can edit or end the announcement, even if they didn’t originally create it themselves

To edit an announcement:

  1. First, make sure you are using the new Assembly version. To switch to the new Assembly version, turn the toggle at the top of your Assembly screen to the ON position.
  2. To edit the announcement, go to the announcement either at the top of your discover page or to the post itself.
  3. Click the three-dotted menu.
  4. Click ‘Edit announcement’ to change the title, description, color, or replies/reaction settings.
  5. Click ‘Save’.
  6. If you created the announcement post, and you want to edit the post, follow steps 1-3 above, and click ‘edit post’.

To end an announcement:

  1. First, make sure you are using the new Assembly version. To switch to the new Assembly version, turn the toggle at the top of your Assembly screen to the ON position.
  2. To edit the announcement, go to the announcement either at the top of your discover page or to the post itself.
  3. Click the three-dotted menu.
  4. Click ‘End announcement’. 
  5. This will remove the announcement from the announcements section, remove the announcement banner from the top of the post, and remove the announcement from the mobile app ‘unreads’ section. The original post will remain unless you delete it.