Flows | To-Dos vs Answer Anytime vs View Feeds

Updated on
April 4, 2024

When viewing the action bar in the Main Feed, you will notice there are three sections for flows: To Do, Shortcut, and View Feeds. This help article explains the difference between these sections.

For other flow help articles: see our flows hub.

Who can use this feature?

Participants in and viewers of flows will see flows in the action bar in the Main Feed (to learn more about what a participant and a viewer are, check out our flows overview help article).

What to expect
  • Only participants will see flows in the To Do and Shortcut sections
  • Participants and viewers will see flows they participate in and/or are viewers of in the View Feeds section

When do flows appear under To Do?

  1. When a flow owner runs a flow, that flow will appear under To Do for all participants. The action bar will also display the total number of flows you currently have to do. 
  1. The flow will appear under To Do until:
    a. The participant answers the flow
    b. The flow deadline passes or the flow owner ends the occurrence and the flow is no longer active
  2. Clicking a flow from the To Do section will prompt you to Answer the Flow.

For more information for how to run a flow, see our How to run a flow help article.

When do flows appear under shortcuts?

  1. When a flow has a shortcut, that means it can be answered at any time, regardless of whether the flow owner has run the flow or not. 
  2. The flow will appear under Shortcuts for all participants.
  3. It will always appear under Shortcuts unless the flow owner has run the flow. In which case it will move to To Do until it is answered.
  4. Clicking a flow from the Shortcuts section will prompt you to Answer the Flow.

When do flows appear under view feeds?

  1. Any flow you are a participant in or viewer of will appear under view feeds, regardless of whether it is also in To Do or Shortcuts.
  2. These flows will also appear in the flow feeds list in the left drawer.
  3. Clicking a flow from the View Feeds list will open the flow feed for that flow.

NOTE: If you are not a viewer of a flow, but you are a participant, you will only see your own posts in that flow’s feed. If you are a viewer, regardless of whether you’re a participant or not you will see all posts in that flow feed, except other people’s private posts.When viewing the action bar in the Main Feed, you will notice there are three sections for flows: To Do, Answer Anytime, and View Feeds. This help article explains the difference between these sections.

For other flow help articles: see our flows hub.

Who can use this feature?

Participants in and viewers of flows will see flows in the action bar in the Main Feed (to learn more about what a participant and a viewer are, check out our flows overview help article).

What to expect
  • Only participants will see flows in the To Do and Answer Anytime sections
  • Participants and viewers will see flows they participate in and/or are viewers of in the View Feeds section

When do flows appear under To Do?

  1. Whenever a flow occurrence is triggered, that flow will appear under To Do for all participants. The action bar will also display the total number of flows you currently have to do. 
  1. The flow will appear under To Do until:
    a. The participant answers the flow
    b. The flow deadline passes or the flow owner ends the occurrence and the flow is no longer active
  2. Clicking a flow from the To Do section will prompt you to Answer the Flow.

For more information for how to run a flow, see our How to run a flow help article.

When do flows appear under answer anytime?

  1. When a flow can be answered anytime, that means it can be answered at any time, regardless of whether the flow occurrence has been triggered or not. 
  2. The flow will appear under Answer Anytime for all participants.
  3. It will always appear under Answer Anytime unless the flow owner has run the flow. In which case it will move to To Do until it is answered.
  4. Clicking a flow from the Answer Anytime section will prompt you to Answer the Flow.

When do flows appear under view feeds?

  1. Any flow you are a participant in or viewer of will appear under view feeds, regardless of whether it is also in To Do or Answer Anytime.
  2. These flows will also appear in the flow feeds list in the left drawer.
  3. Clicking a flow from the View Feeds list will open the flow feed for that flow.

NOTE: If you are not a viewer of a flow, but you are a participant, you will only see your own posts in that flow’s feed. If you are a viewer, regardless of whether you’re a participant or not you will see all posts in that flow feed, except other people’s private posts.