Get Help Template

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Supercharge your workflow

Add structure, visibility, and consistency to your most important workflows with Assembly.

Why use this Flow?

Whether you are a new hire or a seasoned employee, there are plenty of times that require getting outside help. However, if that help is difficult to locate or takes many steps to find, employees often get discouraged. Create one place for anyone looking for help, advice, additional info, or more. Empower people in your organization to reach out, help them find answers and support, and watch the internal communication improve.

Our Get Help Flow allows you to:

  • Create a single place for people to request help and offer support 
  • Find out about the most pressing issues within your organization
  • Build a culture of open communication by providing tools for reaching out
  • Have complete control over visibility to make it fit your needs

Allow open communication and provide plenty of opportunities to get help and support any issues employees can have. Customize to fit the needs of your department or make it a whole company Get Help Flow. Start utilizing the template today and, in addition, get access to over 40 other templates that improve the way you work.

Have a single place for getting help, providing additional resources and contacts all within one template. Start using the Get Help template today and build a more connected culture.

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