One on One with Direct Reports Template

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Supercharge your workflow

Add structure, visibility, and consistency to your most important workflows with Assembly.

Why use this Flow?

The best managers use the one on one with their team members to unlock their potential and help them perform at their best. To make sure the one-on-one is useful, productive, and provides accountability you need an easy-to-use and customize the template. 

This Flow provides you the ability to: 

  • Document important goals, KPIs, and outcomes 
  • Create and edit talking points 
  • Collect feedback from the meeting 
  • One place for all one on one notes 

Ready to try this Flow out? Sign up for the Beta Flow Templates and get Access to over 30 templates that help drive productivity and take the work out of work.  

Employees who are actively involved by management in their professional development are 4x more likely to be engaged. This One on One with Manager Flow will ensure engagement and show the commitment to growth. 

Add structure, transparency, and accountability to the one-on-one meetings. Easily edit, add and adjust the Flow to match your preferences and needs. 

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