Lightweight Sales CRM Template

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Supercharge your workflow

Add structure, visibility, and consistency to your most important workflows with Assembly.

Why use this Flow?

Managing customer relationships is an integral part of any successful sales organization. The team needs to access the contacts and their information, navigate and understand the sales pipeline easily, and personalize to fit their needs. Our lightweight Sales CRM template allows your team to have a real-time look into their accounts status, pipeline owner, or maybe even add a priority. Its sales meet agility.

The Sales CRM Flow gives you an opportunity to: 

  • Track leads, sales, contacts, and opportunities while customizing them to your liking.
  • Have one place for a quick snapshot of the current sales and account situation 
  • An organized yet straightforward way to compile important customer details 
  • Effectively manage pipeline and share updates with the rest of the team

Excited to find a way to empower your sales team to have a better view and access to their information?  Sign up today for our lightweight Sales CRM template and get access to 40+ templates designed to bring structure and add productivity.

The Sales CRM template is a fully customizable solution for any day-to-day needs that your sales team might have. One location for deals in any part of the funnel.

Let the sales team focus on closing deals, and Sales CRM Flow do the tracking. Implement this easy-to-use flow today.

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