Self Evaluation Template

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Why use this Flow?

Self evaluation is one of the most important parts of career development and employee-manager relationship. However, the process is often cumbersome and uncomfortable. Try Assembly’s Self Evaluation template to have a customizable, flexible and easy to incorporate template that fits your organization perfectly. Make self evaluations a learning and growing opportunity for both an employee and a manager. 

With our Self Evaluation Flow you can: 

  • Customize and design the self review evaluation that aligns with company culture and style 
  • Create an easy to use and quick way to get insights into employee performance
  • Have one place for all employees self reviews for gathering insights 
  • Analyze results over time to see progress and roadblocks 

Empower employees to be self-constructive and honest with a guided yet personalized Self Evaluation template. Start using our Self Evaluation Flow today and get access to over 40+ templates designed to bring more insights and productivity to the team. 

Provide growth opportunities, foster honesty and feedback by incorporating a Self Evaluation Flow into your performance review process. 

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