Employee Nominations Template

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Add structure, visibility, and consistency to your most important workflows with Assembly.

Why use this Flow?

Celebrating and recognizing employees is one of the most tools for building a thriving company culture and goes a long way for employee work satisfaction. Use our Employee Nominations template to engage employees and have them vote to nominate someone for a job well done. Use the monthly cadence to celebrate work accomplishments consistently.

Assembly's Employee Nominations Flow empowers you to: 

  • Celebrate employees every month in a public and meaningful way 
  • Engage the team in the nomination and selection processes
  • Reward employees with points that can be used for tangible gifts 
  • Boost internal culture and increase employee satisfaction

Make employees feel valued and noticed for their contributions. Start using the Employee Nomination template today, and as bonus access over 40+ templates that focus on improving employee engagement, productivity, and satisfaction.

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