Interview Questions Template

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Supercharge your workflow

Add structure, visibility, and consistency to your most important workflows with Assembly.

Why use this Flow?

How often have you experienced an interviewing process that consisted of repeated and basic questions, uninformed interviewers, and a poor assessment matrix? Recruiting is a tough and challenging process that requires a lot of organization, structure, and consistency. Design a centralized place that contains thought-out interview questions, relevant skills assessment tests, and important information with this simple, yet effective Interview Flow.

This Flow enables you to: 

  • Have all important interview questions in one place 
  • Add an assessment matrix for specific questions
  • Takes notes and feedback on candidate performance

Set up the Interview Flow to make a cumbersome recruitment process faster and smoother. Sign up for the Beta Flow Templates and get Access to over 30 templates that help drive more successful recruitment practices and make the experience stand out. 

Save time with customizable interviewing templates to easily identify deal-breakers and evaluate different skills during the process.

Take advantage of the Interview Questions Flow to bring simplicity and clarity into a vital growth process.

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